The How

How We Help You Build Your Dream Pc

You Schedule an appointment with us, We get on a call or video call and guide you through the entire proccess of building the computer AND provide further assistance after the build for no extra cost.

Budget Mannagenent & Performence

First thing new pc buidlers mess up is the price point according to their need. Yall either over pay or cut corners in places that endup costing u more money in the long run,We make sure you get the best parts in your budget range which are perfect for your usecase.

Product Testing

Weather you buy new or used parts lets be honest you don't have a fucking clue on how to test it either for warranty or return. If you know how to test indevitual parts then u probably dont need to hire me but if u don't, then paying me a few bucks will save you hundreds of dollars plus the bad experiance.

Life Time Support

Whichever package you choose, it comes with a life time tech support. Whatever takes you 1 hour of googling and scrolling reddit threads will take me half a minute to diagnose. I don't needa charge you for 30 seconds, so its free.

Free for Students

If you are a student and been saving up for ur first pc dont worry i wont take any money from you that comes out of cheaping out on any part of your pc. I'll do it for free but u have to be an actual lil bro cuz students can be upto 40 years old doing phd or whatver, i cant do their pc for free lol. But if ur a lil bro whos really on the budget, i gotchu its free for you.

Dont know what to write here just filling up space so the website dont look empty
— skibidi toilet,an old meme

Tragic Back Story

Why i build PCs for free

Ooo the struggle i faced and the hate for humanity i felt that day..

I build my first pc as a 16 year old kid with my dad's hard earned 550$, and i got scammed in every etch way possible. Everything from the "reputable" shop over charging me on parts plus keeping the case fans off saying they arent included to The second hand gpu i baught having a mining bios that refused to take drivers. And to top it off i didnt even speak english back then but i had no one to help me out so it was me and my fear of getting my ass kicked by dad that motivated me to learn all the things to test and get my pc up and running with new gpu bios. Thats just 1% of the struggle i faced in the last 6 years,rest of the 99% soul crushing stuggle stories are in the video down bellow.


Hold ya horses cheif

We have the right package for you

i know pc

Little Things


I make sure you dont mess it up

  • You make the parts list
  • You find the parts
  • I get on a video call and guide you,Making sure u dont break anything
Text Now

Help me not get ripped off

For the person whos completely new to pc


Youre the hands im the brains

  • You give me a budget
  • I find you the best value parts, new or used
  • I help you test the used parts before buying
  • I make sure the new parts you baught are flawless before you lose your return window
  • I build the pc on call with extreme details
  • I change the nessery settings within windows so it fits your usecase the best
  • I make sure all the drivers and bios settings are up to date so you dont miss out on free performance from the parts u paid for
  • I do all the post boot process so u have a pc with no hickups
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